Gabriela Man ne spune cum sa slabim la TEO live – Vezi emisiunea ONLINE
Gabriela Man ne spune cum sa slabim la TEO live – Vezi emisiunea ONLINE
Afla care sunt sfaturile pe care ni le-a dat Gabriela Man pentru a slabi usor fara eforturi. Teo Trandafir a folosit si ea acest regim, iar efectele au fost vizibile.
Cateva mii de persoane au fost interesate de adresa de email a doamnei Gabriela Man, ClubulBucuriei le-a furnizat-o atat prin telefon cat si prin email, detaliile de contact le aveti aici.(Sau suna la 0754 945 935)
Gabriela Man ne spune cum sa slabim la TEO live – Vezi emisiunea ONLINE

2008-10-01T20:42:51+03:00 at 2008-10-01T20:42:51+03:00
florea cornelia
2008-10-01T21:33:40+03:00 at 2008-10-01T21:33:40+03:00
buna teo ,te felicit pt emisiuni ,vreau si eu adresa de contact a d-nei gabriela man,am 37 ani 1,64 cm si 80 kgggggggggg,dupa a doua nastere acum un an jumate nu am mai putut slabi deloc…multumesc mult.
2008-10-02T08:44:35+03:00 at 2008-10-02T08:44:35+03:00
Sunt fff multumita si incantata de un astfel de stil de viata.
O intrebare: eu mananc de ceva timp produse destinate diabeticilor.Este ok.? Si chiar imi plac ff mult si nu trebuie sa mananc o cantitate mare.Este bine?Va rog sa-mi rasp.?
Toate cele bune,
Neamtu Stefania
2008-10-02T14:25:43+03:00 at 2008-10-02T14:25:43+03:00
Doresc adresa de e-mail al Doamnei Doctor Gabriela Man. Am probleme cu greutatea dupa sarcina si a-s dori sa-i cer sfatul .
Va multumesc anticipat!
2008-10-02T15:30:25+03:00 at 2008-10-02T15:30:25+03:00
Buna Teo, asi dori si eu adresa de contact a d-nei Gabriela Man , am 23 ani si 90 kg, si nu stiu ce metoda sa folosesc pt a slabi .Multumesc mult
nedelcu dana
2008-10-02T16:38:55+03:00 at 2008-10-02T16:38:55+03:00
am mari probleme si mari sperante!nu am urmarit emisiunea dar am auzit de ea.vreau si eu reteta d_nei dr gabi sau adresa de contact.astept raspunsul vostru, multumesc mult
2008-10-03T00:17:17+03:00 at 2008-10-03T00:17:17+03:00
buna teo,eu nu am cuvinte sa te descriu pt k nu s au inventat inca.vreau sa spun k de abia astept s apara p piata produsele acelea.imi doresc s mananc sanatos. .
2008-10-03T09:54:25+03:00 at 2008-10-03T09:54:25+03:00
felicitari Teo!!!!
2008-10-03T13:25:34+03:00 at 2008-10-03T13:25:34+03:00
buna…as dori si eu adresa d-nei gabriela man dak se poate…va rog teo esti super tare..tine-o tot asa
robu gabi
2008-10-05T20:19:00+03:00 at 2008-10-05T20:19:00+03:00
Buna ziua simata Doamna Gabriela MAN as dori si eu o reteta pt slabit am 1,50 m si 78 kg , am hipertensiune arteriala gr III ;colesterol 220 .
Daca se poate sa ma ajutati la adresa :
Va multumesc!
Vlad adriana
2008-10-06T16:44:14+03:00 at 2008-10-06T16:44:14+03:00
Stimata Doamna Gabriela Man as dori si eu o reteta pentru slabit, am1.60m si 90Kg .
Daca se poate sa ma ajutati sa slabesc in primul rand pentru sanatatea mea, la adresa Vlad
Va multumesc!
Banica Iulian
2008-10-06T18:33:37+03:00 at 2008-10-06T18:33:37+03:00
Stimata Doamna Gabriela Man as dori o reteta pentru salbit . nu pot sa fac sport pentru ca am fost operat de varice de 2 ori si am 147Kg si 1,85 m. Folosesc o centura de salbit Vibro Sharp dar nu prea da semne bune dumneavostra ce credeti este buna aceasta centura? Va mutumesc!
2008-10-10T09:03:39+03:00 at 2008-10-10T09:03:39+03:00
buna ziua,
pe mine m-ar interesa adresa restaurantului invitatei dumneavoastra.
mi-ar placea sa in cerc meniul pe care il serveste legat de aceasta dieta.
va multumesc.
doamna man este o scumpa,si o felicit.
2008-10-11T23:45:48+03:00 at 2008-10-11T23:45:48+03:00
Buna ziua! Am vazut emisiunea, mi-a placut foarte mult ce am auzit. Eu nu prea am probleme de genul acesta, adica ma mai ingras sau slabesc citeva kg, dar as zice ca la 1,67 inaltime si 52-53 kg e bine, nu?
Dar am foarte multi prieteni, colegi care incearca sa slabeasca si nu reusesc, iata pentru ei adresez aceasta intrebare: d-na Gabriela a vorbit despre un tip de faina, pe care a inventat-o ea si care va iesi in curind pe piata. Cum putem face noi, sau mai bine zis cum putem face rost de aceasta faina minunata daca traim in Italia, de exemplu!!!
Mersi mult
2008-10-19T19:02:21+03:00 at 2008-10-19T19:02:21+03:00
am 1,68 si 98 kg . imi doresc f mult sa mai slabesc am incercat f multe diete dar fara un rezult satisfacator , mereu slabeam 4/5 kg si le puneam inapoi , ba chiar mai multe !!! astept cu nerabdare sa iasa pe piata aceasta faina si produsele din aceasta faina !! nu stiu de ce dar dr Man imi inspira mare incredere si imi reda speranta ca o sa slabesc si eu in sfarsit !! unde o sa se gaseasca aceasta faina si aceste produse ? si la ce preturi ?
2008-11-12T09:56:39+02:00 at 2008-11-12T09:56:39+02:00
Fructose is No Answer For a Sweetener
By Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.
The consumption of fructose (corn syrup) has risen considerably in the general population within recent years. In 1980 the average person ate 39 pounds of fructose and 84 pounds of sucrose. In 1994 the average person ate 66 pounds of sucrose and 83 pounds of fructose. This 149 pounds is approximately 19% of the average person’s diet.
This increase is due to several factors. There was a decreased use of cane and beet sugar (sucrose) in processed foods and a wide spread use of corn syrup due to economics. Corn is much cheaper and twice as sweet as table sugar. It is absorbed only 40% as quickly as glucose and causes only a modest rise in blood sugar.
A few years ago the medical community revealed that there was good news for diabetics. Many people had previously known that table sugar (sucrose) was not a healthy food for diabetics because it raised their blood sugar levels above normal.
Since diabetics have a hard time maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, doctors counseled diabetics not to eat sugar. The new revelation was that diabetics could eat fructose because fructose did not raise their blood sugar level extremely high. So far so good, but there is more.
Many doctors were recommending fructose instead of glucose. Today fructose is not only being used by some diabetics but it is used for a variety of foods, drinks and confectionery around the world. It is used for candies for diabetics, desserts for weight watchers, drinks for the sportsman and jelly for the health conscious.
The medical community recommended it because of a low increase in glucose in the blood. The scientists did not look at other factors in the body when a person eats sugar. Let’s look at some of these factors now.
1. Fructose has no enzymes, vitamins, and minerals and robs the body of its micronutrient treasures in order to assimilate itself for physiological use.
Fructose browns food more readily (Maillard reaction) than with glucose. This may seem like a good idea, but it is not.
The Maillard reaction, a browning reaction, happens with any sugar. With fructose it happens seven times faster with than glucose, results in a decrease in protein quality and a toxicity of protein in the body.
This is due to the loss of amino acid residues and decreased protein digestibility. Maillard products can inhibit the uptake and metabolism of free amino acids and other nutrients such as zinc and some advanced Maillard products have mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties. The Maillard reactions between proteins and fructose, glucose, and other sugars may play a role in aging and in some clinical complications of diabetes.
2. Research showed that in subjects that had healthy glucose tolerance and those that had unhealthy glucose tolerance, fructose caused a general increase in both the total serum cholesterol and in the low density lipoproteins (LDL) in most of the subjects. This puts a person at risk for heart disease.
3. Another study showed that the very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) increased without an apparent change in high density lipoproteins (HDL). The VLDL and the LDL should be as low as possible and the HDL should be as high as possible.
4. There is a significant increase in the concentration of uric acid that is dependent on the amount of fructose digested. After glucose no significant change occurs. An increase in uric acid can be an indicator of heart disease.
5. Fructose ingestion in humans results in increases in blood lactic acid, especially in patients with preexisting acidotic conditions such as diabetes, postoperative stress, or uremia. The significance to human health is that extreme elevations cause metabolic acidosis and can result in death.
6. Fructose is absorbed primarily in the jejunum and metabolized in the liver. Fructose is converted to fatty acids by the liver at a greater rate than is glucose. When consumed in excess of dietary glucose, the liver cannot convert all of the excess of fructose in the system and it may be malabsorbed. What escapes conversion and being absorbed into the cells may be thrown out in the urine. Diarrhea can be a consequence.
7. Fructose interacts with oral contraceptives and elevates insulin levels in women on „the pill.”
8. Fructose reduced the affinity of insulin for its receptor. This is the first step for glucose to enter a cell and be metabolized. As a result, the body needs to pump out more insulin, to handle the same amount of glucose.
9. Fructose consistently produced higher kidney calcium concentrations than did glucose in a study with rats. Fructose generally induced greater urinary concentrations of phosphorus and magnesium and lowered urinary pH compared with glucose.
The balance of minerals in the body is very important for the function of vitamins, enzymes and other body function. When the minerals are out of the right relationship, the body chemistry suffers. The presence of diarrhea might be the cause of decreased absorption of minerals.
10. Fructose-fed subjects lose minerals. They had higher fecal excretions of iron and magnesium than did subjects fed sucrose. Apparent iron, magnesium, calcium, and zinc balances tended to be more negative during the fructose feeding period as compared to balances during the sucrose feeding period.
11. A study of 25 patients with functional bowel disease showed that pronounced gastrointestinal distress may be provoked by malabsorption of small amounts of fructose.
12. Many times fructose and sorbitol are substituted for glucose in parenteral nutrition (intervenious feeding, IV). This can have severe consequences with people with hereditary fructose intolerance, a congenital disorder affecting one in 21,000. A European doctor declared: „Fructose and sorbitol containing infusion fluids have no further place in our hospital pharmacies.”
13. There is significant evidence that high sucrose diets may alter intracellular metabolism, which in turn facilitates accelerated aging through oxidative damage. Scientists found that the rats given fructose had more undesirable cross?linking changes in the collagen of their skin than in the other groups.
These changes are also thought to be markers for aging. The scientists say that it is the fructose molecule in the sucrose, not the glucose, which plays the larger problem.
14. Fructose is not metabolized the same as other sugars. Instead of being converted to glucose which the body uses, it is removed by the liver.
15. Because it is metabolized by the liver, fructose does not cause the pancreas to release insulin the way it normally does. Fructose converts to fat more than any other sugar. This may be one of the reasons Americans continue to get fatter.
Fructose raises serum triglycerides significantly. As a left-handed sugar, fructose digestion is very low. For complete internal conversion of fructose into glucose and acetates, it must rob ATP energy stores from the liver.
16. Fructose inhibits copper metabolism. A deficiency in copper leads to bone fragility, anemia, defects of the connective tissue, arteries, and bone, infertility, heart arrhythmias, high cholesterol levels, heart attacks, and an inability to control blood sugar levels.
It seems that the magnitude of the deleterious effects varies depending on such factors as age, sex, baseline glucose, insulin, and triglyceride concentrations, the presence of insulin resistance, and the amount of dietary fructose consumed.
Some people are more sensitive to fructose. They include hypertensive, hyperinsulinemic, hypertriglyceridemic, non?insulin dependent diabetic people, people with functional bowel disease and postmenopausal women.
There is a continuing increase in sugar consumption in the United States. We now eat 153 pounds of sugar per person per year.
This increase is mostly in the form of fructose. From the research presented, it seems that this increase is going to have a negative influence on our health.
2008-11-12T20:55:33+02:00 at 2008-11-12T20:55:33+02:00
as vrea si eu o reteta de slabit am1,67 m 98 kg ,45 de ani ,cardiopatie ischemica ,hipertensiune arteriala ,varice,ce spun imi fac vise cum sa primesti reteta de slabit fara consultatie si gratuit ????????Dar macar as vrea reteta aia de paine ca nu pot trai fara ea ,nu concep cure de slabire pt ca nu pot sa nu mananc paine ,va multumesc ,anticipat//
2008-11-12T20:57:46+02:00 at 2008-11-12T20:57:46+02:00
adresa am uitat sa o dau mai sus
2008-11-13T13:54:00+02:00 at 2008-11-13T13:54:00+02:00
glicemia mea inainte de a manca este 69 si colesterolu in limite normale nu stiu de ce ma tot ingras ,nu prinde nimic ,nici medicamente nici retete de slabit as vrea s-o incerc si pe asta ,poate am noroc de data asta va rog din suflet este o provocare pt mine sper sa fie si pt dv ,pentru ca daca merge la mine sa stiti ca merge la toata lumea .Sant mai imuna decat Teo ,la mine nici medicamentele nu-si fac efectu .Medicamentele abia daca ma mentin sau cum as zice ,nu ma lasa sa mor dar nici sa traiesc .toate mesajele pe care le-am dat peste tot au fost fara raspuns ,daca nu raspundeti inseamna ca internetu asta e doar sa te intrebi si sa-ti raspunzi singur .Totusi eu astept raspuns ..
gabi -doina
2008-11-14T01:50:07+02:00 at 2008-11-14T01:50:07+02:00
buna ziua! va rog sa-mi spuneti-mi in ce conditii pot primi ajutor de la dumneavoastra.
sint diabetica si hipertensiva,am 160cm si 115kg
va multumesc! adresa mea este:
panait adriana
2008-11-25T18:48:41+02:00 at 2008-11-25T18:48:41+02:00
un men iu pentru o saptamana daca se poate
2008-11-25T21:04:31+02:00 at 2008-11-25T21:04:31+02:00
interesanta emisiunea si mai ales temetica cum pot intra si eu in posesia acestui regim sau adresa doamnei ,deoarece eu si sotul meu avem probleme cu greutatea..Multumim TEO si speram sa nu ne lasi fara emisiunile tale indiferent de postul de televiziune…
2008-11-26T11:56:01+02:00 at 2008-11-26T11:56:01+02:00
draga teo esti minunata.ador emisiunile fi bicuroasa daca veti vorbi intr-o zi si despre detoxifierea organisnului.multumesc